United Nations “sitting on Billions of unaccountable $$$$”!

Posted: January 9, 2012 in Uncategorized

UNICEF and the UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) begs for dollars from school kids and charity-minded people all over the world who want to help the poor and disenfranchised.  The World Food Program is part of these agencies and massive starvation in poor countries should be the destination for all the charitable donations!

In all 5 agencies of the United Nations have had an attempt made to “audit” their monies yet to-date the United Nations has not co-operated whatsoever.

So what’s going on here?……………..to hear the United Nations talk, the world wouldn’t be able to exist in peace without them.  OR is the truth really that this huge gathering of bloated diplomats and ambassadors just sitting around a table gathering money from anywhere they can and stashing it away for their own use?

You and I will have to be the judge of that as the UN seems to be quite unwilling to divulge their motives!

UN sits on billions in cash without compliance with auditors

By Wendy Wright Thursday, January 05, 2012 Spero News

A confidential audit of UNICEF and UNFPA found “gross” failures in transparency and surprisingly billions of dollars of unspent cash. Both agencies refused to disclose information on staff costs and travel. The auditor found that donors have “little knowledge regarding the ultimate destiny” of funds.

Fox News editor George Russell studied the yet-to-be-disclosed two-volume draft report written by the consulting firm IDC at the request of the government of Norway.  UNFPA and UNICEF refused to answer Fox News’ questions, other than claiming the cash reserves were earmarked for future work on programs.

The audit of five UN agencies sought to discover “where does the money go.” The report found UNFPA and UNICEF had $3.2 billion in cash in 2009. UNICEF, which is free to spend money where it wants despite the project that earned it, gained $109 million in interest income in 2008. The United Nations Development Program had $5 billion in cash reserves, invested large amounts on bonds, and increased personnel costs 80% in the last decade. These together with the World Food Program (which alone was judged transparent and its performance “impressive”) had $12.2 billion in unspent cash. The United Nations High Commission on Refugees did not have a cash stockpile but refused to disclose spending, particularly on staff costs.

The report found UNFPA was unable, or unwilling, to account for $200 million a year funneled to governments and non-governmental groups. It refused to disclose details of wages, salaries, travel, consultant costs, and other items. The report declared, “UNFPA fails grossly” in its official commitment to transparency.

Details on UNICEF’s overhead were lacking, and scraps of information on expenditures make “it difficult to track use of funds from headquarters down to the ultimate beneficiaries on the ground.” It, too, could not account for expenditures within countries, which is the majority of its spending, earning a designation of “gross failure.”

Several UN agencies are increasingly focusing on giving policy advice and advocacy, and relying on others to deliver goods and services. They form vague strategic plans at headquarters that defy tracking outcomes or progress within countries. The UN refugee agency delegates most of its program activities to “implementing partners” that do the work on the ground.

The study warned that the hoard of money “implies that substantial donor funding is not being used for development purposes.” Donors may be reluctant to fund the UN until the “reserves are utilized.”

For years UN agencies have resisted divulging their finances. Government officials have suspected the lack of transparency hides lavish salaries and expensive travel. Diverting funds to non-governmental groups provides a coterie of accomplices who defend the UN agencies.

Shadowy accounting often signals systemic waste, fraud and abuse. In a moment of candor in 2007, a UNFPA executive boasted at a conference that, though the agency was barred from directly funding abortion, it disburses money to abortion providers.

An examination of UNFPA annual reports finds its budget ballooned from $249.9 million in 1999 to $870 million in 2010. Despite its vast resources and audit failure, in November it urged leaders to “galvanize greater political, financial support for family planning.”

  1. […] the wealth of industrialized countries to the third world poor with their insane green plan, and funnel that money through a middle-man who just happens to represent a “United Nations” … who have advocated Agenda 21 for over 30 years under the Cloak of […]

  2. […] This fake Global Warming rhetoric is a left over state of mind from the U.N.’s massive failure by the Maurice Strong/Rio Summit to create a fake “Disaster scenario” and then address this fake scenario by en-massing huge sums of money around the world to “Fight the disaster”. It’s true end game is the literally transfer the wealth from Industrialized Nations to the Poor Developing Countries of the World through the United Nation’s various agencies. Guess where the money stalls out and is kept?. Within these agencies!  […]

  3. […] that make almost no logical sense whatsoever as the United Nations inches ever closer to their Rio+20 Summit in June where all the Green Lunatics will attempt to get their end game in place […]

  4. […] doesn’t matter that U.N. agencies are already sitting on massive unspent $$$ but are requesting billions more to be forced to be collected from the Industrialized countries […]

  5. Tom Blacksmith says:

    Nothing new here, but good research none-the-less.
    People have lost their memories along with their indignantly I guess:

    Investigate the United Nations Oil-for-Food Fraud
    By Nile Gardiner, Ph.D. and James Phillips
    April 21, 2004


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