8 Years of “McGuinty Scandals”…….why would ANYONE vote for this guy??????

Posted: September 4, 2011 in Uncategorized

Here’s a good site where the “top” 30 scandals are listed for your reading “enjoyment/pain”!  Of course there are many more minor scandals that have been uncovered but here are the “major” ones that have caused Ontario to be a “Have Not” Province instead of the once “Ontari..ari…ario……the Place to be ……..the place to grow” Province!!!

Why in the world would anyone who has an ounce of integrity and education even consider this Party and Leader to be a contender for another 4 year “reign of terror?”  To read “polling numbers” in the mainstream media one would think that this guy has an even chance of leading Ontario for another 4 years yet dig one inch below the surface and you would “think we are all living in a sewer being directed by the King of Rats”!

This guy and his Gang have basically dismantled the guts of Ontario which at one time was the “engine that drove Canada”.  If you have a good stomach and a strong “gag reflex” then read on and pass this on to any “doubting Thomas’s” you encounter in the next 30 days of the the “Running of the Reptiles”!!!!


With the Ontario Provincial Election coming up in October, and with Liberal Organizations like the “Working Families Coalition” out there spreading their pro-Liberal pro-Union agenda (see: Disgraceful “Working Families Coalition” Defines Anti-Family in Ontario...), I though it absolutely necessary to pull together a list with supporting details of 30 Dalton McGuinty Ontario Liberal Scandals that have taken place over his 2 terms as the Premier of Ontario (from 2003 to 2011).

Without a doubt, Dalton McGuinty is the most scandal-plagued, tax-spend-and-waste, unethical, integrity-deficient Premier that Ontario has ever had in its entire history.  And even though this should be obvious to all Ontarians, McGuinty’s gift of being able to talk his way out of anything often leaves Ontarians questioning their hurtful experiences and falling for his “Premier Dad” routine of manipulation.  McGuinty could literally get away with murder by convincing Ontarians that “though this was not the easy thing to do, it was the right thing to do”.

Given this gift of his, even I find myself sometimes caught up in his rhetoric about being responsible and taking our tough medicine even if it tastes awful, only to find myself later waking up in a proverbial hangover with my head pounding realizing that he got me once again!  This is why I compiled this list of many of Dalton McGuinty’s more publicized scandals (along with links to applicable news stories from reputable news organizations that have reported on them).  Now every time I find myself questioning my disgust with Premier McGuinty, I simply just review this list and remember everything that he has done to Ontario and Ontarians.

Though this list has many Scandals, Broken Promises and New Taxes/Fees that Premier Dalton McGuinty has plagued Ontarians with since being elected, in no way is this a complete list.  If you find that I have missed any Scandals, Broken Promises or New Taxes/Fees, please feel free to add a comment and note them along with any supporting websites that readers can review to get further details.

Without any further delay, here is the list.  (Please note that this list is not in any particular order related to importance or timelines or etc.)

1. The McGuinty Ontario Health Premium – The highest tax increase in Ontario’s history, implemented months after Dalton McGuinty was elected in 2003 on a promise to not increase taxes (even after signing a contract with the Canadian Taxpayers Federation to not increase taxes). McGuinty justified his healthcare tax increase on Ontario’s Working Families by saying that he inherited an unknown deficit from the previous Government, yet here we stand today in Ontario with the highest deficit that Ontario has ever had, literally multiplied by the McGuinty Government and Ontario’s Unions. This was the first tax of many new taxes and user fees that Dalton McGuinty has imposed on Ontario’s Working Families in order to support his Union Boss buddies and allow the scandalous corruption to continue. (See: Globe and Mail: The health care premium).

2. The McGuinty Delisting of OHIP Covered Necessary Health Services – Where after Dalton McGuinty promised not to decrease any health services covered by OHIP, and also not to raise taxes, he did both on the same day by implementing the Ontario Health Premium and delisting coverage of Optometry (Eye), Chiropractic and Physiotherapy Services for Ontarians. (See: Canadian Cancer Care Society: Mixed reaction to McGuinty government’s budget and Toronto Star: Hampton pledges to pay for delisted health services.)

3. The McGuinty eHealth Scandal  – That cost Ontario’s Working Families a Billion dollars in wasted tax dollars (and unprecedented delays in the computerization of Ontario’s health records), and is a true definition of “gravy”, a term that also defines McGuinty’s wasteful mismanagement of the Ontario Government. Here we stand years after this initiative started and Billions of dollars in the hole, and still it is not completed. The eHealth failure was famous not only for its complete lack of progress, but also for its constant usage of sole-sourcing and untendered contracts to Liberal friends, along with scandalous expenses logged by useless consultants, eHealth Executives and Upper Management.  “eHeatlh” has now become a term that is synonymous with scandal, waste and boondoggle.  (See:Toronto Star: EHealth operation bled $1B and Toronto Star – Coverage of eHealth Ontario.)

4. The McGuinty Slush Fund Scandal – Where Dalton McGuinty’s Government gave $32 Million to Liberal friendly groups (in the form of Government Grants) over a 2 years span with no formal application process and no accountability for how the money would be spent. Just, “here you go, vote Liberal!”  (See: Toronto Star: Insults and accusations fly in Ontario ‘slush fund’ affair and Toronto Star: New charges fuel ‘slush fund’ scandal.)

5. The McGuinty Ontario Lottery and Gaming (OLG) Scandal – Where on the McGuinty Government’s watch, there were multiple accounts of catastrophic corruption related to Lottery Winnings being stolen from Ontario families by Lottery Retailers, countless OLG insider wins, Ontario family tax dollars being corruptly given out via sole-sourced untendered contracts to Liberal friendly firms, and massive Ontario family tax dollar waste via the horrifying expenses by OLG staff again allowed by the McGuinty Government (in exactly the same way it was allowed in eHealth). (See: CTV: Ont. gov’t scrambles to control OLG scandal damage and CTV: OLG: Billions in profits, but lots of headaches.)

Read the rest of the remaining top 25 scandals here:

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  2. Cathy B says:

    Just wondering if you have kept up with this list of Ontario Liberal scandals including Wynne’s?
    Especially the 3 OPP investigations. Thanks

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