Green Solar experiment dies………….well, wasn’t that a “cock-up”!

Posted: October 24, 2012 in Uncategorized

Governments all over the World have dabbled in the “Green Experiment” of renewable energy generational from wind and solar for the better part of the last decade and now it seems it hasn’t gone well for the Green Scammers!

The writings on the wall and it appears that rats are fleeing the SS Green ship in droves, just like our political “leaders” in Ontario who are jumping ship before the roof blows off this massive Green Ponzi scheme!

Of course WE will all be on the hook for these ridiculous useless forays into the eco-whacked out green nightmares which are all part and parcel of some Orwellian scheme to transfer wealth from Industrial nations to the Third World “developing countries” through the bloated and dysfunctional and basically treasonous U.N. agencies for Sustainable Development (criminal organizations?) !!!!

Retribution is the next stage of this crumbling mess and I fear the perpetrators will be well on their way to their leather chairs they have set up for themselves after their exposure to this Green Fraud before any meaningful legal charges against then can be levied!

Solar Industry Meltdown – Intersolar China 2012 Tradeshow CANCELLED Due To “Difficult Market Conditions”!

By P Gosselin on 24. Oktober 2012

Tradeshows are important business events for all branches of industry. The mood at a trade show is often a good barometer of how business is doing in a particular branch.

Solar cemetery? The solar boom dies. (Photo source: US Government)

If times are tough, then one can expect to hear a bit of grumbling from those exhibiting at the trade show, but that’s about it. So when a trade show is cancelled altogether just weeks before it is scheduled to begin, then you know things must be really bad.

This is preceisely what has just happened in the solar industry. Things for the “energy of the future”, solar energy,  have gotten so bad that a major tradeshow,Intersolar China 2012, has just been cancelled. The tradeshow had been scheduled to take place from December 12 to 14 at the China Convention Center in Beijing. Now, according to, the event has been postponed until an unspecified date in 2013. PV magazine cites “difficult market conditions”.

With “difficult market conditions they are likely talking about the tsunami of insolvencies that has swept over the global solar business. A slew of large solar companies likely have cancelled their participation and so many of the exhibition stands would be empty. This is a major embarrassment for proponents of solar energy.

Other German media outlets are now reporting on the Interworld China debacle. Read herehere and here.

PV magazine writes:

Intersolar China opened its doors for the first time just last December in Beijing. Solar Promotion International’s first Chinese tradeshow got off to a slow start, with just 135 of an expected 250 exhibitors showing up. Top-tier solar panel manufacturers like Yingli, Suntech and JA Solar also stood out by not being present at the show.”


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