Archive for November, 2011

Not that the “Occupy Movement” isn’t a grand idea, for people that are “pissed off” at the current political structure of the world , but the folks at Lowell Mountqain in Vermont are “Occupying” their mountain to save their homes, health, wildlife and lands!!!!

Note to Occupy Toronto: work up a clear message, keep it brief and the run with it.  You won’t get everything you ask for but pick away at the faults in the system one at a time, just like the Government has been doing to us for the last forty plus years!…..picking off our freedoms, one little bit at a time!

Occupying the Mountain: Lowell protesters hold open house

November 14, 2011



Opponents of the Lowell wind project hold an “open house” on Lowell Mountain. Photos by Laura Carpenter

LOWELL – Opponents of the Lowell Mountain wind turbine project held an open house on the mountain Sunday to allow interested individuals the opportunity to see what is happening and to explain why the protesters are occupying the mountain.
Nearly 90 people made the difficult trek up the mountainside, a hike that took about an hour to reach the ridge line. At the top, participants were welcomed and offered campfire hot dogs, s’mores, hot chocolate, coffee and tea.
At the start of the event, an announcement was made that the event was not an act of protest, just an informational gathering. “You can make up your own mind,” several event leaders said.
Two uniformed police officers were visible and standing with a man in regular clothing. The three watched the open house from start to finish. When the first group reached the ridge line, the police made their way over and pointed out the red tape as the boundary line, which people were not allowed to cross.
Visitors respected the line and gathered peacefully while speaking passionately about how they feel about the project. Others asked questions.
A group of opponents were available to answer questions and provide literature on the project. They also suggested what steps individuals could take, including contacting their local representatives to voice their opinions.
Green Mountain Power (GMP) received a Certificate of Public Good from the Public Service Board to construct 21 450-foot wind turbines on the Lowell Mountain ridge line.
Opponents say they are deeply concerned about destruction of wildlife habitat, fragmentation of an intact ecosystem, and alteration of the mountain’s hydrology. Other concerns include the impact on property values and noise levels that pose quality of life and other health-related issues, they said.
Some opponents have set up camp near the boundary line and some are taking turns staying all night.
Event leaders said that one of the best things to do is take many pictures of what is going on and document it.
The standoff between GMP and project opponents has lead to several court battles.
An Orleans County Superior Court Judge has issued a Preliminary Injunction against mountain occupiers. If occupiers stay within the 1,000 foot safety zone in blasting times, they can be held in criminal contempt and arrested.
Dave Martorana is a Sterling College freshman studying sustainable agriculture. He is one of the mountain occupiers. He was surprised by the large turnout on the ridge line. Martorana said he loves nature and says what is happening to the mountain is sad.
He feels the main problem is energy consumption and peoples’ attitudes regarding energy. “The project doesn’t make sense economically, socially, or factually,” he said in an interview.
None of the mountain occupiers had been arrested as of Sunday. Martorana said that it’s up to the individual if he or she moves out of the blast zone or gets arrested, but he feels that people can be more effective as a group.

Have you opened your Hydro Bill this month yet?………..if you haven’t and you want a rather peaceful sleep tonight…..DON’T!

Absolute insanity is displayed in every line of your Bill that leaves a Harvard Graduate scratching his head on how the accounting is done to get to the final figures that you will owe your electrical utilty each month!

This “criminal bilking” of Ontario electrical consumers has gone beyond the pale!  To try and explain any of the charges with a straight face and sensible reasoning has long since disappeared.  Ever tried to question your Bill with your provider?…………….good luck if your not hung up on within 5 minutes.  Try writing for an explanation………….don’t hold your breath for any answers……………

The following explanation of how the energy sector here in Ontario “directs” your hard earned dollars should leave you in quite a state of desperation after reading it.  The first question will be of course …………….isn’t there a Law against this kind of stuff?” Well, don’t expect any help soon from the fools that were lected on October 6th of this year…………….we have been “sold out” and basically we are on our own folks…….Good Luck this winter, we’re going to need it!!!

Ontario ratepayers subsidize taxpayers

(November 15, 2011) Ontario ratepayers are helping to hold down municipal taxes and the provincial debt, says Energy Probe director Parker Gallant.

The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) requires the 80 local distribution companies (LDC) in Ontario to send detailed financial and ratepayer information annually and OEB assembles it in the “Yearbook of Electricity Distributors”. The information is presented in a consolidated and individual basis so viewing it provides a myriad of facts including statistics on the number of kWh purchased, km of overhead lines, etc. It gives collective and individual average delivery costs per customer and a financial picture of each LDC. As an example, Hydro One’s distribution arm collected an average of $949 per customer (year ended December 31, 2010) for “delivery” of electricity whereas clients of Kitchener-Wilmot Hydro ($423) or Toronto Hydro ($752) paid less. Capital expenditures made by your local utility company are also included.

On the latter point Hydro One increased annual capital expenditures from 2005 by $406 million (+142% ) to $574.00 per customer. The other 79 LDCs increased capital spending by $583 million (+91%) to $310 per customer. A major portion of those expenditures reflect the installation of “smart meters” ($2 billion + or -) but why Hydro One’s expenditures are so much more is not explained. Hydro One’s spending does not include capital spending for transmission builds associated with renewable connections such as the Bruce to Milton line at a cost of $700 million.

Why it costs a Hydro One ratepayer 124% more and a Toronto Hydro ratepayer 77% more for delivery then a Kitchener-Wilmot ratepayer calls for an explanation and an examination however, this issue doesn’t receive attention from our political leaders in either provincial or municipal politics. It also doesn’t appear to be a part of the OEB regulatory process except peripherally in setting the allowed Return on Equity formulae.

The yearbooks’ posted on OEB start with the year ended December 31, 2005 and finish with the 2010 year end. If you view the collective net revenue (excluding the cost of purchased power—up by only $9 million as consumption has fallen) which effectively is the “delivery” line on your hydro bill; you note that it increased by $572 million or 23% . Net profit after PIL (payments in lieu of taxes) was up $145 million or 44.3%. The difference ($427 million) between net revenue and the increase in net profits went principally to pay the increasing OMA (operations, maintenance & administration) costs which increased by 35.6% (6% annually) or $355 million ($206 million from Hydro One) over those 6 years.

Collective profits after PIL, of the 80 local distribution companies for the 6 years was $2,303 million however the equity of those 80 LDCs only increased by $1,116 million. The difference of $1,187 million ended up as dividends (51% of net profit) and was paid to the municipality that owned the LDC. Local politicians used those dividends to reduce municipal tax increases (except for Hydro One who paid dividends to the Province), thereby allowing them to defer making tough choices on other services that the municipality might have to reduce. Reflecting further on this, the local municipal government would have less call to demand financial support from the Province helping to keep provincial debt levels lower. As noted above the bulk of gross profits of the LDCs went to pay for OMA as the unions were successful at gaining above market salary and benefit increases.

The result of the foregoing is that the LDC’s infrastructure has suffered from a lack of funds to upgrade or replace it, pushing those costs forward. Those costs will bite the ratepayers severely in the next few years. As an example Toronto Hydro has two rate applications before the OEB presently. The first filed in 2010 seeks an increase in their “service charge” for a residential client of 14.8% and a 16.4% increase in their distribution charge. The 2011 rate application filed in August 2011 seeks double digit increases for distribution for 2012, 2013 and 2014 of 9.7%, 12.4% and 12.6% along with “rate rider” increases of 18.7%, 12% and 12% for those same years.

So municipal and provincial taxpayers have benefited from ratepayers paying above market rates that have not been utilized to refurbish the utilities infrastructure and that same ratepayer will continue to suffer, large rate increases over the Energy Minister’s forecast of 46% in our electricity bills as LDCs now upgrade both their deteriorated capital equipment and continue to spend money on those mandated Green Energy Act directives.

While some in the energy sector have suggested that the taxpayer is picking up some ratepayer costs (via the “Ontario Clean Energy Benefit”) it might in fact be quite the opposite. Ratepayers have helped keep both the local municipal taxes and the Provincial debt lower!

Perhaps the Liberals have simply found a new way of taxing us and we didn’t even know it!

“When the Foxes run the hen house” is an old saying that can pretty well sum up what has happened in Europe and is already in full swing in North America.

Words like  Coup d’état  are being thrown around when we speak of how head’s of State are being replaced by “Bankster’s” and their counterparts that actually caused the Financial Meltdown world-wide!

If anyone is having a problem wrapping their head around why thousands of people are now OCCUPYING parks and lands trying to make some sense of what’s going on…………..World Domination by UNELECTED officials!!!!!

Banker Coup: Goldman Sachs Takes Over Europe

Financial terrorists who caused collapse pose as EU debt crisis saviors

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, November 14, 2011

Precisely as we warned all along, the very financial terrorists responsible for the economic collapse have now exploited the crisis to pose as saviors and oversee a banker coup – with Goldman Sachs stooges now in control of both Italy and the European Central Bank.

Mario Draghi

The objective of the coup is to exploit the euro debt crisis as a vehicle through which to create a European federal superstate that will transfer all remaining control over national affairs to Brussels. The globalists have already started the process, hand-picking two unelected stooges to replace democratically elected Prime Ministers in Greece and Italy.

Silvio Berlusconi was the Colonel Gaddafi of Europe. Despite his personally loathsome character, Berlusconi was proving to be an obstacle for the banker coup and was hastily dismissed, not by the will of the people, but as Time’s Stephen Faris explains, by an action of insiders who control the markets.

“On Monday, investors seemed to make the collective decision that he could no longer be trusted at the helm of the euro zone’s third largest economy and sent Italy’s cost of borrowing up towards crisis levels. By the end of the week, not only was Berlusconi finished, so was the very idea of holding a vote to replace him. The markets had spoken, and they didn’t like the idea of going to the electorate. “The country needs reforms, not elections,” said Herman Van Rompuy, president of the European Council on a visit to Rome Friday.”

Berlusconi’s replacement is the ultimate globalist stooge, former EU Commissioner Mario Monti, an international advisor for Goldman Sachs, the European Chairman of David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission and also a leading member of the Bilderberg Group. Monti is a safe pair of hands for the next stage of the banker coup, when the euro crisis will be hijacked to concentrate even more power into the hands of the very people who caused it in the first place.

“This is the band of criminals who brought us this financial disaster. It is like asking arsonists to put out the fire,” commented Alessandro Sallusti, editor of Il Giornale, a Milan newspaper owned by the Berlusconi family.

Similarly, when Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou dared to suggest the people of Greece be allowed to have their say in a referendum, within days he was dispatched and replaced with Lucas Papademos, former vice-President of the ECB, visiting Harvard Professor and ex-senior economist at the Boston Federal Reserve.


There we have it…….the REAL purpose Al Gore and Ban Ki Moon and David Suzuki and all the other Agenda 21 believers harp on and on about Climate Change aka. Man Made Global Warming!

It’s not a real problem, just a fictitious one to scare the hell out people so they will gladly give up their money to these various organizations so it can be re-invested in the “developing” world, whatever the hell that is…….so that Western and European Industrialized Nations will no longer exist in their present form!

Nicely played Greenies, but I digress………………as Maurice Strong said in 1992 the following: “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?

So now we have the World Wildlife Fund rep from Russia stating what should never be admitted by anyone inside this organization because it will basically “out” the organization for what it really is: a U.N. sponsored group aggressively trying to dismantle Industrialized Nations world wide so that they can be re-built in their image, whatever strange and twisted world they have in mind!

Russia Intransigent on Kyoto Protocol Extension

14 November 2011
ByRoland Oliphant  The Moscow Times

Russia’s chief climate negotiator said the country will “never” sign up to extend the Kyoto Protocol for a second implementation period, casting further doubt on chances of a deal at the international climate conference in South Africa at the end of this month.

“We will never sign Kyoto 2 because it would not cover every country,” Oleg Shamanov, director of  international cooperation on the environment at the Foreign Ministry, said late last week.

The comments came the same week that the International Energy Agency declared that the world has just five years to cut greenhouse gas emissions to avert “irreversible” climate change, putting pressure on governments to come up with a deal at the summit in Durban, which takes place from Nov. 28 to Dec. 9.

Refusal by Russia, Japan and Canada to renew Kyoto for a second period dashed hopes of an agreement at the Cancun climate talks last year.

An alliance of Pacific island states recently accused the three of trying to “stall” agreement of a new climate treaty until 2020. But Shamanov insists that the Russian position is one of practicality.

“Any question about our participation is a question about everyone’s participation,” he said. Essentially, Russia does not see any benefits in a legally binding consensus unless “everybody signs.”…………………(snipped)


But the main element in climate talks is “directing giant cash flows from rich countries to developing nations,” said Alexei Kokorin, director of the climate change and energy program at WWF Russia. “Russia is neither a recipient nor a great contributor, it is not as important as some other countries,” he added.

As such, Kokorin concedes that the chances of renewing Kyoto are effectively nil, but was not deeply critical of the Russian position — singling out instead India, China and the oil-producing Middle Eastern countries as the main obstacles to a deal.




Here in Ontario our “Supreme Leader” McGuinty has basically created a fully “subsidized” (taxpayer funded) Industry with his Green Feed In Tariff (FIT) program where Solar Investors that erect an array of solar panels on their home or land would expect to garner 80 cents/kwh payback when the sun shines.

While the “investors” think this is a great idea, along with their little “Green Army” that backs them, the REALITY of this Industry is that Hydro consumers pick up the tab for these enormous FIT payments on their electrical bills.  We already see the massive increases on our bills and Ontario’s homeowners are quickly descending into “Energy Poverty”!

Listen to the CANWEA or OESA rhetoric about “higher” electrical bills and they keep pounding the podium with the buzz words that as “more solar and wind is introduced into the mix the price per kwh will come down just like any other “supply/demand” industry”!

Trouble with that rhetoric is of course is that Hydro Customers will be basically bankrupt or living with candles heating their homes before that idea reaches fruition.  Now back to the REAL WORLD.

This story is coming to Canada and is now unfolding in Britain.  Be forewarned as a potential investor looking for massive $$$ returns from the Ontario FIT Program.  If you’ve already mortgaged your home for a solar array then your TOO LATE!!!

Exclusive: Backlash grows over Cameron’s green sell-out

Business leaders and environmental campaigners unite in plea to halt the cut in funding for solar panel schemes.

SUNDAY 13 NOVEMBER 2011 The Independent

David Cameron today faces a revolt of business leaders, councils, environment campaigners and unions furious at his decision to cut funding for household solar energy, severely undermining his claim that the coalition would be the “greenest government ever”.

Click HERE to read the letter in full

In a letter to the Prime Minister seen by The Independent on Sunday, a coalition of 55 individuals and groups warns he will “strangle at birth” Britain’s booming solar panel industry – threatening 25,000 jobs – by halving the state subsidy for the popular “feed-in tariff” scheme.

The funding for households who feed excess electricity generated by their solar panels into the national grid is to be cut from 43p to 21p per kilowatt hour (kwh) from next month, doubling the length of time people would have to wait before their solar panels became economically viable.

The feed-in tariff scheme is one of the most popular environmental measures introduced by any government. It has already been adopted by 100,000 private and housing association homes, and was championed by David Cameron within weeks of him becoming Conservative leader.

Yet last month ministers announced that, from 12 December, the subsidies would be cut in half, despite claims they were consulting on the plan.

A letter by a broad alliance – from the Federation of Small Businesses and house-building organisations to council leaders from all three political parties, as well as the Town and Country Planning Association – has been organised by Friends of the Earth and the Cut Don’t Kill campaign, which is pressing for the Government to temper the reforms. Mr Cameron and Chris Huhne, the Energy and Climate Change Secretary, are also under pressure from the Confederation of British Industry, whose chief, John Cridland, said the measure was an “own goal”. Mr Huhne has also been warned that 20 Liberal Democrat MPs – more than a third of the parliamentary party – are fighting the proposals.

In scathing language, the letter tells Mr Cameron: “This could only knock confidence in the UK’s determination to build a low-carbon economy and hugely undermine your determination to lead the ‘greenest Government ever’.”


I guess the “elders of Society” are just too much for these “Green Eco-Whackos” to handle.  In their eyes anything an “older” person says against their “green” ideas and “save the planet” rhetoric is just plain STUPID because, well, you know, old people are just too damn old to know what’s good for them!!!!!

Just like the new graduates from York University’s Environmental Indoctrination Lab where there over 41 “Green Professors” churning out wee little “Greenies” by the bucketful, they plunge head first into their “war on pollution” and everything in the world that the “Old People” have tarnished or ruined , putting Mother Earth into the Green Hospital!

These little “do-gooders” are going to “save the planet” from those smelly old elders who know nothing of the NEW WORLD ORDER, like the Ontario Sustaianble Energy Association Gang Green who spout Green nonsense “ad nauseum” at every chance they get, hoping if they keep repeating it then the message will be clear: “Go Green or DIE”!

Here’s a wake up call for any young exuberant Greenie out there that can’t see the future and may be whole heartedly following every word from the mouths of people like David Suzuki and Kris Stephenson out there:  When you reach middle and maybe older age levels, and you haven’t burst into flames because Global Warming was all Bullshit then look back on these days as a very sad and time wasted path you’ve been on.  You have been lied to, taught mistruths, and literally been used like a Green Goon to force a very destructive and evil agenda down the throats of unsuspecting citizens of your own community!  It is a hard lesson to learn in life and maybe you will realize why us 66-80+ year old folks are so damn mad when we hear you coming at us with your stupidity and ignorance that was dreamed up by a very dishonest and greedy group of individuals.  See ya in 40+ years!!!

Greens to seniors: Die faster

If you are aged 66-83, you are part of a “clueless cohort” against which “generational warfare” may be waged because you aren’t dying fast enough.

In Gen Y and Gen X get it right on the environment; old folks don’t“,’s Lisa Hymas writes,

Generation Y is more likely than older generations to support clean energy and environmental protection and to believe climate change is happening and is caused by human activity, according to new Pew polling and analysis. Generation X is close behind. Boomers aren’t so bad either. It’s the old folks, the so-called Silent Generation aged 66-83, that are the big problem.

There’s long been talk about how gay rights will continue to advance as homophobic old codgers die off. Looks like the push for a cleaner,greener society will get a boost from that same cohort replacement effect

When it comes to environmental laws and regulations, the oldsters are even more out of touch

The younger you are, the more you’re going to get screwed by climate change. Many retirees might be loath to shake up the system in their twilight years, but younger people know the system’s already broken and needs an overhaul. Unfortunately, we don’t have time to wait for the clueless cohort to exit stage left; we need to act yesterday. For starters, younger voters need to come out to the polls in at least the same numbers as the fogies.

Class warfare has made a comeback. Is it time for some generational warfare too? [Emphasis added]

So as it turns out the recent anti-Obamacare video ad that shows grandma being pushed off the cliff, may actually be more appropriate with respect to the greens.

And the irony is that German researchers just calculated that age 65 is when personal carbon emissions begin to decline.

But if you’re not with the greens politically, you might as well be dead.

Ontario taxpayers support a “host” of blood/money-sucking entities under Dalton McGuinty’s  “Gang Green of Not for Profit” agencies and the “cabal” that get’s rich off hard working Ontarian, who are lucky enough to be employed, are getting worried!

One such creature that is basically “fighting for it’s very existence” in the “Green World” that has used deception, innuendos and false claims to push their “fake products” is holding their annual conference of which a majority of the agenda is to try and come up with a plan to keep the floodgates open!

It has taken many years to see through the Green Scam that has drained countless millions from our pockets but the “Truth once found is very hard to Hide!”

McGuinty had his “green wings” clipped by Rural Ontario in October, maybe now it’s time for the next shoe to fall and cancel any future shenanigans from the Ontario Sustainable Energy Association!


OSEA’s mini FIT

Posted on 11/12/2011 by MA

by Parker Gallant
The Ontario Sustainable Energy Association’s Executive Director, Kristopher Stevens on Monday morning will launch OSEA’s 3rd Annual Community Power Conference and glancing at the program one can detect a sense of concern. This is reflected in Steven’s message in the programme brochure which contains this reflective bon mot; “The green energy sector in Ontario has been threatened by uncertainty in recent months due to the provincial election and the highly anticipated Feed-in-Tariff (FIT) review. Developers, manufactures, government and investors are concerned about what may happen to the industry, their projects and businesses. Residents and communities are concerned whether clean air and water, newfound well paying jobs, local project ownership and hope, will be yanked from underneath them.  Ontario’s green energy sector is entering its next phase and it is yet unknown what this new chapter will look like and how industry participants and communities will operate in the new climate.”

There is lots in this claim by Stevens to take issue with, particular with the claim about the “residents and communities” concerns. How a change in the FIT program would affect our air or water or those reputed “well paying jobs and hope” is an incredible stretch of imagination on his behalf. Those “residents and communities” are concerned that their quickly growing electricity bills will drive them into energy poverty in order to support the visions expounded on by Stevens and his groupies.

It is noteworthy that some of the Conference’s previous sponsors have not reappeared this year however we can still find many taxpayer or ratepayer funded institutions that are front and centre as well as those institutions and companies benefiting from the Green Energy Act. Among the sponsors one finds, the Ontario Power Authority, the City of Toronto, York University, CMHC, the Community Power Fund, TREC (Exhibition wind turbine and recipient of hundreds of thousands of dollars from the taxpayer owned Toronto Atmospheric Fund ), the World Wind Energy Association  (who awarded former Energy Minister, George Smitherman with the “World Wind Energy” award in 2009) and Toronto Hydro. In the latter case we find this testimonal from Joyce McLean, Director, Strategic Issues on the Conference site; “As one of the early supporters of community power in Canada through our relationship with TREC/WindShare, Toronto Hydro appreciates the enthusiasm and energy needed to grow the community power sector in Ontario. We support OSEA’s efforts in leading the way.” Ms. McLean spent time with Greenpeace, as Chairperson and Director of CanWEA and was the founding Chair of the Community Power Fund (which dispenses grants provided by the OPA and paid for by ratepayers-they recently granted OSEA $125,000).

The “Keynote” sponsor of this conference is listed as the Ontario Power Authority and Colin Andersen, the CEO, is down as a “Keynote speaker” along with the newly appointed Minister of Energy, Chris Bentley. The ratepayer ultimately pays for the privilege of putting Mr. Andersen in this position as the sponsorship is part of the OPA’s budget.

The taxpayer is also paying for the sponsorship of CMHC and YorkUniversity, the latter a hotbed of environmentalists with a Faculty of Environmental Studies that numbers 41 Professors, Assistants and Associate Professors. Graduates of Yorkinclude Kristopher Stevens and Brent Kopperson both of whom claim involvement in the creation of the Green Energy Act (Act). Kopperson is listed as a presenter/speaker at the conference as is Marion Fraser, yet another who also jointly claims responsibility for the Act’s creation. These speakers and more then half of the others scheduled as presenters/speakers are dependent on the largesse of the ratepayers and taxpayers of this province to ensure they maintain their jobs. Those jobs are designed to raise the price of electricity by pushing wind and solar generation.

The Conference program devotes most of the first day to pontificating on the election results and the potential impact on sustainable energy as well as the upcoming review of the FIT program.

The following excerpt from the program is an indication of the hand wringing going on; “ Election uncertainty has left champions of conservation and renewable energy, community and commercial developers, manufacturers, suppliers and investors wondering what’s next for Ontario?”

Looking at this from the perspective of a ratepayer; the “champions” in this session may now know what the 4.5 million ratepayers in the province have been going through since the Act was passed.

Who was our champion while the Conference attendees were using taxpayer and ratepayer funds to push their agenda forward while IWTs were springing up throughout the province damaging our health, killing wildlife and causing our electricity rates to jump by over 100%?

Perhaps it is now the ratepayers who have some hope, hope that the insanity of the Act will be discovered for what it is.

Parker Gallant,
November 11, 2011

HMMM………..while Joe Q. Public is being spoon fed a “daily dose of Banking Misery” and how the world is going to “hell in a hand basket” there seemingly exists a completely alternative Banking system that exists specifically for Financial handlers and Banksters that sounds like “war chest” in case of a “Global Financial meltdown”!……………go to your local bank and ask your Manager if he can tell you what the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation is and I bet you a nickel to a donut they will look at you as if you had six eyes!

Read on: 

Posted on February 9, 2011 by Zen Gardner

Secret 20 Trillion Dollar Bank 

Of all the scams, the worldwide banking system is one of the most mind-boggling. Never mind the entire false premise of fiat money and the debt system, that vast amounts of this illusory “currency” get shifted every micro-second just begs deceit and piracy.

Trouble is, if you “buy into it” you’re already ensnared, and it’s either eat, or be eaten. That’s their design.

Ownership by Whom?

The estimated value of the Rothschild family’s total holdings is at 500 Trillion dollars. So what. The entire planet is supposedly “owned” by a very small percentage of people. So?

Can anyone “own” anything? Ownership is a temporary power trip for the unenlightened–everything always gets passed on. Like the temporary unit we all live in called our body, it’s an illusion that anyone can “live forever” physically never mind truly “possess” anything if we look at things truthfully.


That would be fine if it was just a matter of perception. Trouble is, these ultra-possessive creeps called the global elite or Illuminati impose their system of temporal power beliefs on the rest of us. Either we play the game their way, or we’re locked out of the playground and cut off from supplies by their hired thugs.

It’s a beautiful planet with lots of beautiful people, but the world “system” is very ugly and run by non-empathetic psychopaths.

But again, it’s all temporal.

Banking Scams Coming to Light

The recent economic manipulations have made a lot of things very obvious. While the MSMedia has tried to downplay or ignore these revelations, the globalist central bankster cartel is being exposed regularly.

While people are pounding on the obvious manipulation of and by the private Federal Reserve Bank hoax and Goldman Sachs and the like, there’s another part of that story few have noticed.

It’s a little known off-shoot of the FED called the DTCC aka “Cede and Co.”

Making a (profit) difference all right–and same old Illuminati sun/saturn/eye symbolism and 6′s

What is the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation?

There is a busy little private company you probably never have heard about, but which you should. Its name is the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation. See their website. Looks pretty boring. Some kind of financial service thing, with a positive slogan and out there to make a little business. You can even get a job there. Now, go and take a look at their annual report. Starts with a nice little Flash presentation and has a nice message from the CEO. And take a look at the numbers. It turns out that this company holds 23 trillion dollars in assets, and had 917 trillion dollars worth of transactions in 2002 alone. That’s trillions, as in thousands of thousands of millions. 23,000,000,000,000 dollars in assets.

As it so turns out, it is not because DTCC has a nice website and says good things about saving their customers money that they are trusted with that kind of resources. Rather it is because they seem to have a monopoly on what they do. In brief, they process the vast majority of all stock transactions in the United States as well as for many other countries. And – and that’s the real interesting part – 99% of all stocks in the U.S. appear to be legally owned by them.

How did this happen?

And why is this mega-monopolizer so hidden from public scrutiny? It turns out it’s part of the Federal Reserve Bank. Big surprise. These same owners and players mandated that all transactions have to go through their subsidiary. And not just go through it for all the profits and asset holding interest the transaction will bring, but they are given ownership of everyone’s assets in the process!

In the old days, when you owned stocks you would have the stock certificates lying in your safe. And if you needed to trade them, you needed to get them shipped off to a broker. Nowadays that would be considered very cumbersome, and it would be impractical to invest via computer or over the phone. So the shortcut was invented that the broker would hold your stocks instead of you. And in order for him to legally be able to trade them for you, the stocks were placed under their “street name”. I.e. they’re in the name of the brokerage, but they’re just holding them in trust and trading them for you. And you’re in reality the beneficiary rather than the owner.

Which is all fine and dandy if everything goes right. Now, it appears the rules were then changed so the brokers are not allowed any longer to put the stocks in their own name. Instead, what they typically do is to put the stocks into the name of “Cede and Company” or “Cede & Co” or some such variation. And the broker might tell you that it is just a fictitious name, and will explain why it is really more practical to do that than to put it in your name.

The problem with that is that it appears that Cede isn’t just some dummy name, but an actual corporation that DTCC controls. And, well, if you ask anybody about this, who actually knows about it, they will naturally tell you that it is all a formality. To serve you better, of course. And, well, maybe it is. DTCC seems like a nice and friendly company. It is a private company, owned by the same people (major U.S. banks) who own the Federal Reserve Bank. And if they all stick to their job, and just keep the money and your stocks flowing smoothly, I’m sure that is all well and good. But if somebody at some point should decide otherwise, and there’s a national U.S. emergency and/or the U.S. government becomes unable to pay its debts, well, they might just not give you your stocks back. Because legally they own them. Something to think about. (source)


MAURICE STRONG, U.N. environmental leader: “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”

These are the very words of one of the most diabolical and evil thinking man called Maurice Strong who has been labelled by Greenies as “The Father of the Environmental Movement”.

That may ell be but there are many more individuals who have all contributed to this mass destruction of Western Industrialized countries all in the name of “GLOBALISM”!  That is the “buzz word for “One World Government”.

These are the “End Days” of this “Globalist Movement” and is a “make it or break it” push right now which is displaying itself in the World’s stock markets.  Europe is done, the U.S is basically on the ropes and all eyes are looking at China s the “saviour of the world!”

NICE!  How much more screwed can the world get?  These old devils are almost in the ground now and they may not be around much longer with their disgusting plans for the rest of us, but before they get that inevitable shovel of dirt over their coffins the citizens of the world will endure some bitter times because of these destructive bastards and their foul plans that seem to have taken on a life of their own.

And BTW, here is today’s “ramblings” from David Suzuki who is trying to “influence the Occupy Groups” to think the way the following idiots have defined the world in their minds! :

Occupy Movement Demands Fresh Thinking — For Our Grandchildren

David Suzuki November 10th/2011 Huffington Post

To get you started on the ROOT causes and who the “players” really are in this Globalist BS then read on:

Who is Maurice Strong?

Maurice Strong Pushes Incremental, Radical Action to Achieve Global Government

MaximsNewsNetwork, a UN news outlet posted an interview with Maurice Strong on October 14, 2009, in which power-behind-the-throne chieftain and current Chinese national Maurice Strong talks about the Copenhagen conference. In the interview Strong stated- among other things- that “What is necessary is a global system of governance through which the nations of the world cooperate to address issues which none can deal with alone.”

The truth about environmentalism. In their own words …

Environmentalism Is Racism

  • Merton Lambert, former spokesman for the Rockefeller Foundation: “The world has a cancer, and that cancer is man.”
  • Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh, leader of the World Wildlife Fund: “If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.”
  • Maurice Strong, U.N. environmental leader: “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”
  • Ted Turner, CNN founder, UN supporter, and environmentalist: “A total population of 250–300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.”
  • No representation …

    Kyoto Protocol compiled by un-elected global bureaucrats

    THE Kyoto Protocol was the work of thousands of bureaucrats, diplomats and politicians. But no one person is more responsible for it than a Canadian named Maurice Strong.

    Strong organized the UN first-world environmental summit in Stockholm in 1972 and has never stopped pressing for a world where UN resolutions would be enforced as law all over the Earth.

    Strong went on to chair the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio and to become senior adviser to Kofi Annan, the UN’s secretary general. Not bad for a kid from Oak Lake, Manitoba, who dropped out of school at age 14.

    But Strong is different than other social butterflies who flit from one UN conference to the next. He is a powerful businessman, who has served as president of such massive energy companies as Petro-Canada and Ontario Hydro, and on the board of industrial giant Toyota.

    He is a huge political donor, not just here in Canada, but to both the Republican and Democratic parties in the U.S. as well.

    Maurice Strong is a very dangerous man. He and the rest of his one world government cohorts must be stopped.

    READ the whole post here

Just like McGuinty’s Liberals were thrown out of power across Rural Ontario on October 6th because they backed the misguided and destructive Green Energy Agenda by their leaders at Queen’s Park so too did a batch of politicians lost their jobs south of the border.

So here’s the skinny:  If you want to remain in power in a political sense and you stand behind Wind Companies and their money scavenging attempts to “fleece taxpayers” for their lucrative Wind Developments then be prepared to answer to the very people you are “fleecing” on election day!

Incumbents lose spots in supervisor races

By Rick Miller Olean Times Herald, 9 November 2011

Supervisors in Allegany and the Town of Olean were defeated in their re-election bids Tuesday.

In Allegany, Supervisor Patrick Eaton only fot 39 percent ofm the vote in his loss to Republican John Hare. Mr. Eaton’s support for the town’s controversial contract agreement with EverPower for a wind turbine farm in the Chipmonk area of the town was largely responsible for his loss.

In Olean, Supervisor Ted Hewitt, a Republican, was defeated in his re-election bid by Democrat Annette M. Parker, who also ran on the Conservative line.

There were town elections in all 32 towns in the county.

In Ellicottville Supervisor John Burrell, a Republican, trounced Grass Root’s Party candidate John Kiouses 259 to 75.